You're invited to join Abbie Unger and the members of the Hub for a special 

Study Hall for Aspiring & Ambitious Flight Attendants

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now. Scroll down for more details.

You are officially invited to a very special Study Hall and FAC Hub introduction. What's Study Hall, you ask? Read on...

Back at the beginning of the pandemic, I found myself feeling discouraged, anxious, unsure, and most of all, AFRAID. I also felt an extra heaviness because so many of those that I have the honor of coaching and supporting were feeling the same way.

I wanted so badly to create an opportunity for the members of Flight Attendant Career Connection to connect, not only with me but also with each other and their dreams. 

The answer? Study Hall!

Throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2020, FACC hosted dozens of study hall nights where the attendees and I set aside time to focus on our goal, connect with like-minded current and aspiring flight attendants, and best of all laugh, learn, and find light. ✨

Seeing the power and magic of these sessions, I knew that I had to include Study Hall in my new online community and resource center for aspiring and ambitious flight attendants, the FAC Hub.

Study Hall started as a way to navigate uncertain times, but over the past year, it has become the most popular and impactful benefit of being a part of our FAC Hub community.

Our FAC HUB members meet twice monthly for Study Hall. And these hours together have continued to result in CJOs as well as improve confidence and hone interview skills!

Each study hall session is hosted on Zoom and begins with a short meet-and-greet. We discuss current events in aviation as they pertain to the flight attendant and then we work!

Some weeks we work independently for chunks of time and then come back together to discuss obstacles or interview questions that have us stumped. Sometimes we use the entire study hall session for laser coaching. And periodically, we have current flight attendants pop in and generously share their experience as both a flight attendant and a flight attendant interviewee.

On January 27th, you're going to have a chance to experience Study Hall for yourself - for FREE! All you need to do is register for the event. If you aren't able to attend Study Hall live, it will be recorded and emailed to everyone who registers.

Whether you are preparing to apply, in the middle of the process, recently received a CJO, or are a current flight attendant with the ambition to take your career to the next level (or another carrier) you are invited! There is a place for you in Study Hall and I promise you will find value in this time together.

Study Hall usually lasts 90 minutes, but this free Study Hall is a little longer because #1 I’m hoping we’ll have more attendees than ever join us and I want to make sure there is time for everyone, and #2 I’m also going to be using some of the time at the end of Study Hall to share about a special Hub limited time offer

I cannot wait to see all my Study Hall OGs as well as meet new and amazing friends. And I'm so excited to share about the Hub again!!! The Hub makes applying, interviewing, comparing, and training so much easier. You're going to love it. 🙌

Sign me up!

And in case we haven't met yet... I'm Abbie!

As a child, I would look skyward and dream about a future where I got to travel for a living. In 2006, I landed my dream job as a flight attendant for United. I remember the day I earned my wings like it was yesterday - pure magic! Working in an office 30,000 feet above the ground was the ultimate dream come true. 

When I met my husband Jason, who also works in the airline industry, we instantly bonded over a shared love of adventure and travel. We also shared a desire to start a family. And while my career adventures eventually took me from United to Continental Airlines to PSA Airlines, ultimately, I decided to ground my career to raise my 3 young children.

And while today, my office is at sea level in Destin, FL now, my passion for helping other women’s careers take flight remains high in the sky. Since founding Flight Attendant Career Connection in 2013, I’ve successfully supported, mentored, trained, coached, and/or inspired thousands of aspiring flight attendants to land their dream jobs at 30,000 feet.