4 Questions to Help You Discover Whether or Not You’re a Good Flight Attendant Candidate

blog facc Nov 27, 2019

I am a big believer in dreams. And I believe that if you have a desire and passion to become a flight attendant, then becoming a flight attendant is what you are meant to do. I don't think we are given dreams accidentally. (Ps. 37:4) I know your dream was given to you for a reason! 

That being said, timing is everything. Take a moment to consider the questions below and let them help you decide if it's time for the next step. 

4 Questions to Help You Discover Whether or Not You’re a Good Flight Attendant Candidate:

  • Are you are foot-loose and fancy free to come and go as you please?  

Maybe you’re an empty-nester or maybe you are young and unattached but either way, the ability to relocate after training and the freedom to drop everything and fly are a sure fire sign you should at least look into this career. Even if you aren’t that unencumbered, that’s ok… there are plenty of fly moms (and dads!) You’ll need a support system and a game plan, but you can still make this happen!

  • Do you need your own bed, pillow, sheets, dog, partner, noise maker, or time-zone to sleep soundly?

Flight attendants are in a different bed every night and more times than not, they’re sleeping single in a double bed (anyone know that song?!?!) If you can fall asleep easily or have a bedtime routine that is easy to take on the road, you’re ready to fly.

  • Do you start to feel itchy or restless if you stay in one place for too long?

If you spend your time at home dreaming about being away from home and the thought of never being in one place for long sounds like your ideal lifestyle, this career could be your real life dream come true. If going home every night is feels boring and your cubicle is closing in, it’s time to make that change. As a flight attendant, you will have new customers, new coworkers, and a new adventure every day. Now don’t me wrong, some days are routine. But I bet you’ve got the personality that finds the excitement in everything!

  • Does living out of a suitcase sounds totally doable?

For most people, the thought of living out of a suitcase sounds horrible. But flight attendants perfect the art of suitcase living and once you’ve traveled the world with you “mobile home” you are forever attached to that 22 inch rollaboard.  
There is no career like the flight attendant career. In fact, it is more of a lifestyle and less of a career. These four criteria are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to deciding if you are ready to become a flight attendant, but I’ll tell you a little secret, the biggest part of getting hired as a flight attendant is having a passion for customer service, a hospitable personality that puts everyone at ease, and the gumption to overcome roadblocks and setbacks.

If that sounds like you, then you are the kind of person I would love to help. I have clients who have been hired by every airline, big and small! Every time I see a graduation picture of a student, I am taken back to the moment I received my wings and I feel the excitement all over again, but this time it's mixed with a whole bunch of PRIDE.

For the last 6 years, I've been helping aspiring flight attendants reach their goals faster and with less frustration and I'd love to help you as well.  I offer products, services, and classes all specially designed to overcome the obstacles faced by an aspiring flight attendant.

I know the process is tough and competitive, but you don't have to navigate this journey alone.  

Learn more about what it takes to become a flight attendant and how Flight Attendant Career Connection can help here.
