P R E P A R E • P R O P E L • P R O S P E R
Fifteen years ago, I encountered my first flight attendant interview question. I wish I could remember what I was asked because I think it would be fun to share now, but alas, I do not. (I do know that when I was asked the question, I was in a high-floor office in a building on Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, DC!)
Although I don’t remember that first interview question, I do remember being asked dozens of interview questions over the next six months as I attended interview after interview. (And thankfully received CJO after CJO!)
When I started coaching aspiring flight attendants, I began to research and study flight attendant interviews. As I compiled the questions, I noticed there were really only four types of interview questions. And each type of question has a different success strategy:
Tell me what you think Questions
STAR Format Questions
Onboard Situational Questions
Personality Questions
STAR Format questions are...
The other day, I saw a post on Facebook encouraging aspiring flight attendants not to over-prepare for interviews for fear of sounding “rehearsed.”
The creator of the post went on to share their experience of an interview that they “bombed” (their words) and blamed the setback on over-preparing STAR format answers. They said that they knew during the interview that they were not coming across as authentic and felt like the STAR format was an overused and unhelpful tool for answering interview questions.
From my experience helping thousands of flight attendants land their dream jobs, here's what I know: The problem wasn't the tool - it was the way that the tool was being used.
Before we dive in, I want to make sure that you know how important it is to look back and debrief after every interview. I'm so proud of this aspiring flight for taking the time to unpack the interview and learn from it. This...